Research Reports

Buyer Beware: Early Contract Termination
The ERC reports seven out of every 10 small-to-medium business owners are unaware or do not believe that their electricity supply contract has an early termination provision.
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What are capacity charges on electricity bills?
Capacity rates increased on June 1, 2014, and will increase again on June 1, 2015, for many electricity customers in the PJM Interconnection region.
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How "Fixed" is the Fixed Price Product You Are Purchasing From Your Electricity Supplier?
Why are some suppliers passing through costs on a fixed price product?

Are fixed-price electricity supply contracts really fixed?
Supplier contract conditions can add unanticipated costs to monthly electricity bills, impacting customer options and total expenses.
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2013-2014 Winter Polar Vortex, by ConEdison Solutions
Why have prices spiked? How have consumers been impacted? What is a supplier's standpoint?

Polar vortex effect on electricity prices
The polar vortex triggered two extreme weather events in the U.S. in January 2014, which caused many electricity customers to experience increased costs.
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Best Practices: Demand Response
This Research Brief examines middle-market companies to measure their interest level and best practices for reducing energy consumption.
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Best Practices: Electricity Procurement
This Research Brief examines how electricity prices impact middle-market operating budgets and discusses best practices for evaluating costs.
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April 2013 ERC Survey Summary
This document summarizes a survey of more than 1,250 middle-market company executives, regarding how they procure electricity supply services, their interest level in emerging energy products and services, and the extent to which they experience electricity billing errors.